Watch Intro Video

Your 6-Week Healing Journey

To Prevent and Overcome Early Stages of Burnout

By participating in Body-Reset for Self-Healing, you'll begin each day rooted in your body and then wind down from your full day by engaging in productive rest. This daily practice is an opportunity to teach your body and mind how to let go of the day as it resets your nervous system back to calm wellbeing. 

Throughout the course you will be learning to effectively release muscle tension, fully process your emotions, shift your mindset, get clear on your priorities, and create a life that matters to you. All the while releasing stress and deepening your sense of who you really are.

Do you want to feel Lighter and Happier?

It ALL Starts Here!

You'll show up for yourself each morning to a 6-minute guided meditation and for 20-minutes at the end of the day for a lying down guided meditation, followed by self-reflective journaling. All audio guides are downloadable so you will have ongoing access to these daily resources. 

Each week you are provided with a new evening meditation along with a new lying down position. There is a short video each week that will show you how to set up the resting position using household pillows and blankets. Your work is to lay down, listen, and remain as present in your body as possible.

Learn to Inhabit Your Body for Peace, Joy, and Prosperity

That's it! Your body is the wisest teacher, always present and available as your biggest ally. It quiets your thoughts, calms your mood, and accesses the deepest realms of who you are.  It's how your inner healer becomes ignited and how you uplevel your life in profound ways. 

Being in your body is a simple concept, YES!  Easy to implement, NO!  Which is WHY I created this course. It is SO possible to reset your nervous system and make this body-awareness practice your new and delightful way of living. What it requires is to show up to this course every day and do the practices.

Resistance Happens and That's Human

It can be just as easy to skip your 6-minutes of morning meditation, and scroll through social media, as it is to do it.  And actually at the beginning, scrolling will seem much easier, because it is your current normal. 

But, it makes the rest of your day WAY harder. You find yourself distracted, annoyed, overwhelmed, and in need of some peace. So, you return to social media for some solace. You know it's not a long-term solution, but it's a way to get by. 

Body-Reset for Self-Healing is Your Solution!

The Strategy, Structure, and Support to Succeed

Know that I am here with you every step of the way and available 24/7 via the helpdesk. Reach out anytime with questions, concerns, and insights. (If you have any questions now, just click the helpdesk button and ask away!)

I love hearing about your journey and am here to both hold you accountable and help you enhance your healing potential.

During our time together you will also receive a one-on-one coaching session with me via Zoom video. We will process what you have already experienced and discuss next steps for optimal wellbeing.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome & What to Expect
    • Video Message from Your Instructor, Charlene
    • Intro Note from Charlene
    • Wake-Up to Your Body Meditation
  • 2
    Week 1: Releasing Tension
    • Mini-Lesson 1
    • Evening Reset 1
  • 3
    Week 2: Owning Your Emotions
    • Mini-Lesson 2
    • Evening Reset 2
    • List of Emotions (For Reference)
  • 4
    Week 3: Regaining Your Focus
    • Mini-Lesson 3
    • Evening Reset 3
  • 5
    Week 4: Feeling Your Purpose
    • Mini-Lesson 4
    • Evening Reset 4
    • Values Worksheet (To Complete and Reference)
  • 6
    Week 5: Upleveling Your Self-Love
    • Mini-Lesson 5
    • Evening Reset 5
  • 7
    Week 6: Accessing Source Within
    • Mini-Lesson 6
    • Evening Reset 6
  • 8
    In Closing
    • Video Message from Charlene
    • Outro Note from Charlene
    • Your Continuing Wellness Guide (Complete & Discuss)
    • Schedule Your Integration Session